Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dilemma : How to survive work Pizza Parties

Ok, so this may not sound like a dilemma, but when your work has a pizza party almost every week it can be! We have so many, one week we had two on back to back days! I mean can we get a Salad party or Sandwich party for that matter?! But we all know, that will never happen.

Don't get me wrong Pizza is one of my favorite foods (along with burgers, fries, cupcakes etc) but that doesn't mean i need to eat it all the time, especially while i am trying to fuel my body through Insanity.

So how do you handle this dilemma....not eat the pizza?? Yea right, when everyone around you is eating it and you cant escape the smell!

So this is what I do: get 1 piece of pizza (not 2 small ones that you think equal 1), and not the largest piece either. Get whatever kind is healthier, an all veggie, or Margarita pizza or just plan cheese. Skip the meatlovers or the supreme. Then (if you know about the pizza party ahead of time) pack a salad (with a meat or protein) or some type of veggie combo to eat with it. That way, you still get full from your 1 piece of pizza and you get something healthy in there with it.

Now, if you want to avoid eating the pizza all together (and you aren't required to eat with your co-workers, a 'grab and go" type situation). Then bring your entire lunch that day and go eat outside before the pizza arrives. Do not return until you know it is gone, then you don't even have to be tortured with the smell or watching others enjoy it. 

So today i chose to have a medium sized slice of this pizza (this was NY style, so most of the pieces were HUGE):
And then brought along a spinach salad topped with quinoa and goddess dressing. I also brought this as a snack for later, which was leftover from last night's side dish:
So i survived the weekly pizza party. Hopefully these tips will help you out next time you face this "dilemma" :-)

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